- Pursuing Master’s Degree (M2) in Data Science
- Looking for exciting full-time opportunities and interesting projects in AI and Deep Learning (end of studies internship, starting from April/2021)
- Part time developer at Muvraline France
Program: M2 Mathématiques : Apprentissage et Algorithmes
Coursework includes: Statistical Learning, Machine Learning, Optimization, Reinforcement and Deep Learning.
Program: Ingénieur polytechnicien
Coursework includes:
2018-2019: Probability, Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Algorithms for Data Analysis in C++, Algorithm Design, Fundamentals of Computer Science (Logic, Models, Computing)
2019-2020: Unsupervised Learning, Deep Learning, Data Visualization, Database Systems, Artificial Intelligence
3 first years of 5 in one of the best ranked engineering schools in Brazil - Transferred to École Polytechnique
Coursework includes: Data Structures, Programming Languages: C++ and Java, Relational Databases, Signal Analysis
Work Experience
Facial recognition and facial alignment models, deep learning real-time analysis, multi-stream applications
Speaker Recognition (Audio).
Human voice sentimental analysis and emotions classification.
PWA using Angular7 and Ionic
Competitive computer programming classes (5h/ week)
PIBITI - Instititutional Scholarship Program
Subject: Study of the Evolution of Quantum Systems and Unitary Transforms.
Olympic mathematics topics for elementary and high school students.
Olympic mathematics topics for elementary and high school students.
R Shiny application using python frame-based model api
Q-learning, Deep Q-learning and Policy Optimization
Image colorization using VGG CNNs
Statiscal Anlysis and data forecasting using RNN/ LSTM
Word embbeding methods on labeled graphs (Node2vec)
Puzzle Game Solver with optimized Backtracking
Constrained optimization problem, use of complexe derivatives.